Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Effects

Hey it's me again, now this post is going to be about the effects I had on the world.When people say that authors have no affect on the world I would disagree because I've made a huge affect on the world and here are just some of my examples. Millions of readers have enjoyed my books and inspired many authors to write books. I was even a Oxford professor and helped shape hundreds of students' education with my great teachings skill. I enlisted myself in the army for World War 1 to help the British win the war. I also helped my children to become great people.

I also invented many languages that I use in my books the languages to create. I also diverged my creativity and setting no boundaries of my imagination. Because of this my books has been made into movies and those movies have been really successful they've won Oscares and have made billions of dollares . If I were alive today I would have been very proud that I still affect people today even though I died decades ago. But for some reason I'm writing this thing called a "blog" and yes, I am very proud.

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